At the heart of the Christian faith is belief in a God of utter generosity and self-giving – supremely in his Son, Jesus Christ – but also in the many other good things that he gives to us. A major part of our Christian faith is then allowing his grace to be demonstrated in our lives through the growth within them of a similar spirit of generosity and giving.
The fantastic response to the recent appeal to refurbish the entrance to Christ Church has been a wonderful example of this and during this series we will think more about the nature and role of giving within our Christian faith. This will start by reflecting on God the Giver before proceeding to think about two decisive strands within Christian giving – giving as a response to God’s grace and then as a response to the practical needs of the Church. The aim is that this series – across all of our services – is part of helping us towards a situation where the finances of Christ Church are placed on a more secure footing with all of our members considering where God is challenging and encouraging us in this regard.