Sermon Videos


The Drama of Mark's Gospel

Video recordings will be available of the sermon from one of our Sunday services (via the CCNM YouTube channel).

Our current sermon series is on 'The Drama of Mark's Gospel'. Please see the Preaching Programme for more details.

Sunday September 1st

Tim Davis spoke on 'Jesus and the arrival of the Kingdom of God'. Below is the video of the talk that Tim gave at the 11am service.

Previous Sermon Recordings

Previous video recordings of our sermons - grouped by sermon series - can be found in the links below.

August 2022, 2023, 2024 Why I am a Christian
July 2024 Integrating Our Faith
June 2024 The Five Trustworthy Sayings
May 2024 What would it look like to be a church that is serious about...
April 2024 Building a Safe Church
February to March 2024 Spring Cleaning our lives this Lent
January to February 2023 and 2024 Outsiders come to God
December 2023 Why are they in the Christmas Story?
December 2023 Preparing for the Coming of Jesus
September to November 2023 The Book of Psalms
May to July 2023 Learning from the Early Church
April 2023 The Resurrection
March 2023 The Parables in Luke
Christmas 2022 Christmas services
Advent 2022 What do we learn about the coming of Jesus from...
November 2022 Things Jesus came to bring us...
September to October 2022 Getting the most out of Church
May to June 2022 The Fruit of the Spirit
March to April 2022 Jesus Christ the Son of David
January to February 2022 King David: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
Advent 2021 How they looked forward to Jesus
November 2021 Some fresh thoughts on...
September to October 2021 How the Bible Presents the Church

Previous Church At Home Services

All our previous Church at Home services are available (from Sunday 22nd March 2020) and may be found using the links below.

July to August 2021 Hope amid the Broken Signposts
May to June 2021 Walking in the Footsteps of Jesus: What it Means to be a Disciple
April 2021 The Resurrected Jesus
Easter 2021 Good Friday and Easter Day services
February to March 2021 Lent 2021 Carbon Fast For Creation
January to February 2021 Building Back Better in 2021
Christmas 2020 Christmas Carol and Christmas Day Services
August to December 2020 A Fresh Take on...
August 2020 Why I Am Still a Christian
July 2020 Finding Help through...
March to June 2020 Church Continues

The talks from above services are also available on the Recent Sermons page.

You can still catch up with the episodes in the Church at Home for Families: Family Story Time series as well as the earlier Church at Home for Families: Friends of Jesus series.