CCNM Sermons Search
Keyword Search of Sermons
On this page you can search our sermons for one or more keywords. A match will be found for any sermon whose title contains all the keywords, and also where the sermon is part of a series whose title contains those keywords. The search extends to the bible passage on which a sermon is based (if any). For example, a search for 'John 21' will pick up any sermons based on John chapter 21 (in full or in part).
How should we pray for the government? | David Taylor | Audio file
How should we pray for people's growth in faith? | Bernie Dodd | Audio file
How should we pray for the not-yet-Christians in our families? | Stephen Kuhrt | Audio file
How should pray for one another? | Becky Mills | Audio file
Why I Am A Christian | Alistair Jones | Audio file
Why I Am A Christian | Lynne Mattick | Audio file
Why I am a Christian | Andrew Rankin | Audio file
Why I am a Christian | Anna Larkin | Audio file
Elisha and the Syrians | David Loffman | Audio file
Elisha and Naaman | Stephen Kuhrt | Audio file
Elisha and four miracles | Tim Davis | Audio file
How should we pray for our children? | Anna Larkin | Audio file
How should we pray for our colleagues at work? | Ruth Henson | Audio file
How should we pray for World Justice issues? | Katy Loffman | Audio file
How should we pray about what we see on TV? | Stephen Kuhrt | Audio file
Why I Am A Christian | Alistair Jones | Audio file
Why I Am A Christian | Lynne Mattick | Audio file
Why I Am A Christian | Andrew Rankin | Audio file
Why I Am A Christian | Anna Larkin | Audio file
Jesus and the woman bent double | Stephen Kuhrt | Audio file
Jesus and Mary and Martha | Becky Mills | Audio file
Why does prayer involve so much waiting? | Katy Loffman | Audio file
Why is there special power in group prayer? | Alison Hill | Audio file
Why does God want us to pray? | Tim Davis | Audio file
A book that Changed my Christian Life: Strait is the Gate | Becky Mills | Audio file
A Book that Changed my Christian Life: Transforming Grace | David Taylor | Audio file
A Book that changed my Christian Life: Christianity Rediscovered | Nathan Larkin | Audio file
A Book that Changed my Christian Life: Knowing God | Ruth Henson | Audio file
The Call to Unity | Becky Mills | Audio file
The Call to Holiness | Katy Loffman | Audio file