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Peter's Call Anita Ferrero
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Jesus the Good Shepherd and Light of the World Stephen Kuhrt
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What will it mean to be a church shaped by the reality of Easter? Tim Davis
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What can we learn from Doubting Thomas? Anita Ferrero
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APCM 2019 Stephen Kuhrt
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What is the value of the different Easter stories? Ruth Henson
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What does Easter teach us about God? Stephen Kuhrt
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What does Good Friday teach us about God? Stephen Kuhrt
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What was the cursing of the fig tree all about? Janet Miles
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Why is Jesus' entry into Jerusalem important? Stephen Kuhrt
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What does Palm Sunday teach us about God? Tim Davis
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What should we make of the passages where Jesus speaks about judgement? Nathan Larkin
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Why did Jesus make three predictions about his death? Becky Mills
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What does Lent teach us about God? Stephen Kuhrt
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Being Stewards of Creation David Taylor
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Being Stewards of Creation Stephen Kuhrt
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Being Stewards of Creation Stephen Kuhrt
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Challenging Injustice Tim Davis
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Challenging Injustice Becky Mills
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Challenging Injustice Becky Mills
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Teaching, baptising and nurturing Stephen Kuhrt
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Teaching, baptising and nurturing Stephen Kuhrt
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Teaching, baptising and nurturing Stephen Kuhrt
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Loving Service Ruth Henson
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Loving Service Anita Ferrero
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Loving Service Ruth Henson
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Proclaiming the Gospel Nathan Larkin
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Proclaiming the Gospel Nathan Larkin
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Proclaiming the Gospel Tim Davis
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Paul talks of God's Love to the Romans Stephen Kuhrt
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