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How should we respond to Human Trafficking? Emily Chalke
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How should we respond to Human Trafficking? Emily Chalke
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How should we respond to Christian Aid? Becky Mills
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How should we respond to Christian Aid? Becky Mills
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How should we respond to Christian Aid? Becky Mills
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The Biblical basis of Social Justice Carolyn Lucas
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The Biblical basis of Social Justice Stephen Kuhrt
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The Biblical basis of Social Justice Nathan Larkin
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How should we respond to people who are homeless? Jon Kuhrt
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How should we respond to people who are homeless? Jon Kuhrt
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How should we respond to people who are homeless? Jon Kuhrt
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Giving for the practical needs of the church Nathan Larkin
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Giving for the practical needs of the church Becky Mills
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Giving for the practical needs of the church Ruth Henson
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Giving as a response to God's grace Stephen Kuhrt
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Giving as a response to God's grace Carolyn Lucas
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Giving as a response to God's grace Tim Davis
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God the Giver Katy Loffman
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God the Giver Anita Ferrero
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God the Giver Stephen Kuhrt
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United Service on New Year's Eve Katy Loffman
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Christmas Day Service Stephen Kuhrt
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Midnight Communion Becky Mills
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Fulfilled at Christmas - Jeremiah 31:15 David Loffman
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Children's Carol Service Stephen Kuhrt & Robert Shrimpton
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Carols by Candlelight Carolyn Lucas
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Fulfilled at Christmas - Hosea 11:1 Stephen Kuhrt
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The Last Battle Elizabeth Hill
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Finding God in the Madness of Christmas Janet Miles
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Fulfilled at Christmas - Micah 5:2 Katy Loffman
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