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Why did Jesus teach in parables? Stephen Kuhrt
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Recognising the dodgy alternatives Stephen Kuhrt
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Jesus proclaims judgement on Jerusalem Stephen Kuhrt
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Recognising God's goodness Katy Loffman
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Jesus proclaims judgement on the Scribes and Pharisees Tim Davis
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Why was Jesus baptised? Carolyn Lucas
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Recognising the folly of judging others Robert Shrimpton
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The Parable of the Mustard Seed Nathan Larkin
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Nehemiah's Final Reforms Carolyn Lucas
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Recognising the secret of giving, prayer and fasting Katy Loffman
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The Growing Seed Alison Hill
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What happened after the Building Work was Completed: Part 2 Stephen Kuhrt
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Avoiding Materialism Pete Everett
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A Lamp on a Stand Janet Miles
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What happened after the Building Work was Completed: Part 1 Anita Ferrero
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Recognising the Power of Love Tim Davis
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Further Opposition and the Completion of the Project Katy Loffman
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Recognising the power of truthfulness Andy Black
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The Parable of the Soils Becky Mills
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Harvest Stephen Kuhrt
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How to build up others Ruth Henson
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Nehemiah's Integrity Becky Mills
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Recognising the destructive power of lust Stephen Kuhrt
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How to bring God's Healing Katie Kuhrt
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Those who built and those who opposed Stephen Kuhrt
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Recognising the destructive power of anger Carolyn Lucas
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How to share your faith Claire Jaggers
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Nehemiah returns to Jerusalem Carolyn Lucas
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Recognising how we can make a difference Tim Davis
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How to Pray Carolyn Lucas
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