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Finding your Spiritual Gifts: part 2 Stephen Kuhrt
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Assurance that we are children of God Luke Wickings
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The Power to Stand Firm Janet Miles
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Finding your Spiritual Gifts: part 1 Stephen Kuhrt
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Meeting of the Law's requirements Katy Loffman
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The power to heal Carolyn Lucas
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So what has the book of Esther got to say to us? Claire Jaggers
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You shall not covet Tim Davis
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The difference that it makes to believe in the Trinity Stephen Kuhrt
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A bloodthirsty triumph Becky Mills
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You shall not give false testimony Stephen Kuhrt
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The difference that it makes to believe in the Holy Spirit Katy Loffman
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How Haman's plan was thwarted Stephen Kuhrt
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You shall not steal Luke Wickings
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The difference it makes to believe in the Ascension of Jesus Carolyn Lucas
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A Wicked Plot and a Scary Challenge Ruth Henson
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You shall not commit adultery Carolyn Lucas
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The difference it makes to believe in our future resurrection Stephen Kuhrt
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A Woman's Place Stephen Kuhrt
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You shall not commit murder Anita Ferrero
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The difference that it makes to believe in the resurrection appearances of Jesus Tom Collins
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How Easter should change the way we do recreation Carolyn Lucas
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APCM 2016 Stephen Kuhrt
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How Easter should change the way we do relationships Katie Kuhrt
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How Easter should change how I approach the General Election Stephen Kuhrt
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How Easter should change how I approach the General Election Stephen Kuhrt
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How Easter should change the way we work Claire Jaggers
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How Easter should change my life from Monday to Saturday Katy Loffman
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How Easter should change the things that we hope for Carolyn Lucas
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How Easter should change our lives Luke Wickings
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