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Daniel's Vision of a Man Anita Ferrero
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Jesus promises the Holy Spirit Stephen Kuhrt
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My Favourite Psalm: Psalm 139 Becky Mills
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Daniel's Prayer for the End of Exile Luke Wickings
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Jesus Comforts His Disciples Andy Black
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My Favourite Psalm: Psalm 1 Katy Loffman
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The Ram and the Goat Carolyn Lucas
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Jesus Washes the Disciples' Feet Stephen Kuhrt
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My Favourite Psalm: Psalm 103 Ruth Henson
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The Four Beasts and the Son of Man Stephen Kuhrt
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Jesus Predicts His Death Pete Everett
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The Motto Verse for 2014 Stephen Kuhrt
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The Motto Verse for 2014 Stephen Kuhrt
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The Motto Verse for 2014 Carolyn Lucas
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What should stay with me after Christmas? Becky Mills
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What should stay with me after Christmas? Anita Ferrero
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What should stay with me after Christmas? Katy Loffman
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Christmas Day Stephen Kuhrt
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Christmas Characters: Augustus and Herod Carolyn Lucas
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Christmas Characters: Gabriel Stephen Kuhrt
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Looking to the Coming of Jesus: The Psalms Luke Wickings
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Children's Carol Service Stephen Kuhrt & Susannah Sloman
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Christmas Characters: Joseph Tim Davis
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Looking to the Coming of Jesus: Isaiah Stephen Kuhrt
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Why was Jesus born of a virgin? Pete Everett
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Christmas Characters: Mary Carolyn Lucas
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Looking to the Coming of Jesus: Kings Stephen Kuhrt
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Why was Jesus born into poverty and danger? Susannah Sloman
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Christmas Characters: Elizabeth and Zechariah Sally Butler
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Looking to the Coming of Jesus: Genesis Carolyn Lucas
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