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Gospel Evangelism Carolyn Lucas
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I Believe In... Jesus Christ God's Son and Our Lord Stephen Kuhrt
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Making a Christian Response to Parliamentary Corruption Katy Loffman
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How the Gospel came to Thessalonica Anita Ferrero
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I Believe In... The Virgin Birth Simon Hancock
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Making a Christian Response to Alcohol Helen Hancock
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What is ‘the Gospel’? Stephen Kuhrt
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I Believe In... God the Creator of Heaven and Earth Carolyn Lucas
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Why I Am A Christian Ruth Henson
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Six Kings of Israel Jamie Avis
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Elijah and Naboth’s Vineyard Stephen Kuhrt
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Why I Am A Christian Ros Sainsbury
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Three Kings of Judah Ian Prior
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Elijah Gets Burnout Helen Hancock
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Why I Am A Christian David Taylor
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Strange 'appenings 'up north' Jamie Avis
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Elijah and the Prophets of Baal Pete Everett
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Why I Am A Christian Esther Ferguson
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Rehoboam and the Division of the Kingdom of Israel Stephen Kuhrt
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Elijah and the Widow of Zarephath Simon Hancock
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Why I Am A Christian Nathan Larkin
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United Holiday Club Celebration Helen Hancock
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Responding to God’s Call... to do Holiday Club Stephen Kuhrt
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Simeon and Anna Arthur Featherstone
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How should Baptism affect the sort of Church we are? Helen Hancock
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Responding to God’s Call... when it's a tough assignment Katy Loffman
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David and Solomon Graham Fairbairn
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How should Baptism affect the rest of our lives? Carolyn Lucas
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Responding to God’s Call... when we don't really want it Carolyn Lucas
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Eli Anita Ferrero
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