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Learning what it means to live by faith... from Hebrews Stephen Kuhrt
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Called to Serve Stephen Kuhrt
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Carolyn Lucas talks about ordination Carolyn Lucas
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Graham Fairbairn talks about ordination Graham Fairbairn
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Helen Hancock talks about ordination Helen Hancock
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Ordinand Sunday Graham Fairbairn & Helen Hancock & Carolyn Lucas
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Hardened Criminals Michael Parker
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To Love Mercy Stephen Kuhrt
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The Seed Growing Secretly Bernie Dodd
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Treacherous Parasites Simon Hancock
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To Act Justly Carolyn Lucas
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The Lamp and the Measure Meg Guillebaud
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The Demon Possessed Stephen Kuhrt
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Troubled Relationships Camilla Pearse
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The Sower and the Seeds Grace Comben
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Diseased Outcasts Paul Pearse
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A Gory Epilogue Jamie Avis
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Sadness from our School Days Stephen Kuhrt
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School Celebration Service Helen Hancock
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A Broken Marriage Anne Potter
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The Coming of the Holy Spirit Stephen Kuhrt
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Simple Women Katy Loffman
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The Death of a Loved One Katie Kuhrt
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Little Children Stephen Kuhrt
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Being a Mission Shaped Church Stephen Kuhrt
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All Member Ministry Stephen Kuhrt
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I did not come to bring Peace, but a Sword Stephen Kuhrt
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