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Motto Verse for 2014
The Motto Verse for 2014 Stephen Kuhrt
Audio file
The Motto Verse for 2014 Stephen Kuhrt
Audio file
The Motto Verse for 2014 Carolyn Lucas
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My Favourite Psalm
My Favourite Psalm: Psalm 103 Ruth Henson
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My Favourite Psalm: Psalm 1 Katy Loffman
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My Favourite Psalm: Psalm 139 Becky Mills
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My Favourite Psalm: Psalm 27 Nathan Larkin
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My Favourite Psalm: Psalm 24 Tim Davis
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My Favourite Psalm: Psalm 42 Katie Kuhrt
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My Favourite Psalm: Psalm 23 Claire Jaggers
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The Book of Daniel
The Four Beasts and the Son of Man Stephen Kuhrt
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The Ram and the Goat Carolyn Lucas
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Daniel's Prayer for the End of Exile Luke Wickings
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Daniel's Vision of a Man Anita Ferrero
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The Kings of the South and North Katy Loffman
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How it will all end up Luke Wickings
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So what does Daniel have to say to the 11.00 service? Stephen Kuhrt
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John's Gospel
Jesus Predicts His Death Pete Everett
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Jesus Washes the Disciples' Feet Stephen Kuhrt
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Jesus Comforts His Disciples Andy Black
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Jesus promises the Holy Spirit Stephen Kuhrt
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Jesus the True Vine Carolyn Lucas
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The work of the Holy Spirit Stephen Kuhrt
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Jesus' High Priestly Prayer Carolyn Lucas
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Why on earth should we give to the church?
A response to God's Love Stephen Kuhrt
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A response to God's call to mission Stephen Kuhrt
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A response to God's call to trust in Him Luke Wickings
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A response to God's Love Stephen Kuhrt
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A response to God's call to mission Stephen Kuhrt
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A response to God's call to trust in Him Ruth Henson
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A response to God's Love Carolyn Lucas
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A response to God's call to mission Stephen Kuhrt
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A response to God's call to trust in Him Tom Collins
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Towards Easter with the Psalms
I Desire to do Your Will, O My God Carolyn Lucas
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Into Your Hands I Commend My Spirit Anita Ferrero
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My God, my God, why have You forsaken me? Stephen Kuhrt
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You will not let Your Holy One see decay Luke Wickings
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I Desire to do Your Will, O My God Carolyn Lucas
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Into Your Hands I Commend My Spirit Claire Jaggers
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My God, my God, why have You forsaken me? Stephen Kuhrt
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I have established my King, on Zion, my holy hill Nathan Larkin
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You will not let Your Holy One see decay Tim Davis
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Towards Easter with John's Gospel
The Arrest of Jesus Katy Loffman
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The Death of Jesus Izzy Rickards
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Jesus and Thomas Andy Black
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Jesus and Mary Magdalene Stephen Kuhrt
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Mothering Sunday
Mothering Sunday Stephen Kuhrt
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APCM 2014 Stephen Kuhrt
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Easter Services 2014
Why Easter is the most important day of the year Carolyn Lucas
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In the beginning...
Creation Part 1 Carolyn Lucas
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Creation Part 2 Katy Loffman
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The Fall Stephen Kuhrt
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Cain and Abel Nathan Larkin
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From Adam to Noah Stephen Kuhrt
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Finding nourishment through the Psalms
Psalm 1 Katy Loffman
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Psalm 8 Luke Wickings
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Psalm 19 Anita Ferrero
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Psalm 46 Tom Collins
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Psalm 68 Luke Wickings
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Psalm 51 Carolyn Lucas
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Psalm 110 Stephen Kuhrt
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Psalm 89 Stephen Kuhrt
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Psalm 42 Katie Kuhrt
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Psalm 23 Stephen Kuhrt
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Psalm 46 Pete Everett
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Psalm 121 Carolyn Lucas
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Psalm 139 Andy Black
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Psalm 150 Stephen Kuhrt
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Psalm 51 Carolyn Lucas
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Psalm 103 Ruth Henson
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Psalm 95 Carolyn Lucas
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Encountering God in 'The Shack'
Encountering God in 'The Shack' - chapters 1-4 Stephen Kuhrt
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Encountering God in 'The Shack' - chapters 5-9 Ruth Henson
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Encountering God in 'The Shack' - chapters 10-13 Claire Jaggers
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Encountering God in 'The Shack' - chapters 14 - 18 Katy Loffman
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Father's Day
The difference men can make to human trafficking Susannah Sloman
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The difference Christians can make...
The Theology in Fairy Tales
The Theology of Frozen Stephen Kuhrt
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The Theology of Beauty and the Beast Stephen Kuhrt
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The Theology of Shrek Stephen Kuhrt
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Genesis continued...
God calls Noah Carolyn Lucas
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The Flood: Part 1 Katy Loffman
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The Flood: Part 2 Becky Mills
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God's Covenant with Noah Nathan Larkin
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Noah gets drunk Katy Loffman
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The descendants of Noah Carolyn Lucas
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The Tower of Babel and Shem to Abram Tim Davis
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Unity Sunday
The importance of being One Church Stephen Kuhrt
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My Story of Ministry
My Story of Ministry Rachel Cook
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My Story of Ministry Katie Kuhrt
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My Story of Ministry Tim Davis
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My Story of Ministry Carolyn Lucas
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My Story of Ministry Luke Wickings
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Why I Am A Christian
Why I am a Christian Tom Douglas
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Why I am a Christian Katy Loffman
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Why I am a Christian Sue McCrossan
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Why I am a Christian Andrew Mills
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Why I am a Christian Claire Jaggers
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Why I Am A Christian Tom Douglas
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Why I Am A Christian Katy Loffman
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Why I Am A Christian Sue McCrossan
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Why I Am A Christian Andrew Mills
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Why I Am A Christian Claire Jaggers
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The Secret of Joy: Paul's letter to the Philippians
Seeing how God brings good out of bad Stephen Kuhrt
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An attitude like that of Jesus Pete Everett
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Sitting lightly to human status markers Carolyn Lucas
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Being clear about the Christian Hope Stephen Kuhrt
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Learning to relate well to others Andy Black
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2 Samuel: David under the blessing?
David mourns for Saul and Jonathan Anita Ferrero
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Civil War and Murders Ruth Henson
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David firmly established as King over Israel Luke Wickings
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The Ark brought to Jerusalem Stephen Kuhrt
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God's Covenant with David Becky Mills
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Israel's blessings established Katy Loffman
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A Vision for our Youth and Children's Work
A Vision for our Youth and Children's Work Stephen Kuhrt
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Developing a Theology for our Youth Ministry
Taking Theology to Youth Ministry Nathan Larkin
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Taking the Cross to Youth Ministry Stephen Kuhrt
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Unpacking Scripture in Youth Ministry Nathan Larkin
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Unlocking Mission and Eschatology in Youth Ministry Stephen Kuhrt
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Harvest Sunday
Harvest Service Carolyn Lucas
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Freedom Sunday
Freedom Sunday Emily Chalke
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Freedom Sunday Emily Chalke
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Freedom Sunday Emily Chalke
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Making a Christian response to the things that scare us
The threat of failure Stephen Kuhrt
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The threat of terrorism Stephen Kuhrt
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The threat of Ebola Carolyn Lucas
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2 Samuel: David under the curse?
David and Bathsheba Carolyn Lucas
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What do we learn from King David about war? Ruth Henson
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Amnon and Tamar Luke Wickings
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Theology in Literature
The Theology of Jane Eyre David Taylor
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The Theology of The Great Gatsby David Loffman
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The Theology of Gone with the Wind Stephen Kuhrt
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Mission Sunday
The difference mission makes Rachel Cook
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The difference mission makes Rachel Cook
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The difference mission makes Jeremy Nash
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Finding God in every aspect of Chrismas
Finding God in the parties at Christmas Stephen Kuhrt
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Finding God in the decorations at Christmas Izzy Rickards
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Finding God in the food and drink at Christmas Andy Black
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How King David points us to Jesus
How King David points us to Jesus in Matthew Tim Davis
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How King David points us to Jesus in Luke Luke Wickings
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How King David points us to Jesus in Romans Stephen Kuhrt
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How King David points us to Jesus in Revelation Carolyn Lucas
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Christmas Questions
Christmas Questions: Why so much mention of Angels? Katy Loffman
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Christmas Questions: Why so much mention of the Prophets? Becky Mills
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Christmas Questions: Why so much mention of Herod and Augustus? Tom Collins
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Christmas Services 2014
Children's Carol Service Stephen Kuhrt & Susannah Sloman
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What have I learnt about God during this past year? Pete Everett
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Carols by Candlelight Luke Wickings
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Christmas Eve Midnight Communion Carolyn Lucas
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What have I learnt about God during this past year? Tim Davis
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Christmas Day Stephen Kuhrt
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What have I learnt about God during this past year? Tim Davis
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