Sermon Downloads

9:30 Service Sermons

9.30 service

Christianity's Image Problem
If I'm a Christian I Must Be… Boring and Sad Stephen Kuhrt
Audio file
If I'm a Christian I Must Be… Weak and Emotionally Dependent Helen Hancock
If I'm a Christian I Must Be… A 'Holier-Than-Thou' Hypocrite Sally Butler
Audio file
If I'm a Christian I Must Be… An Intolerant Bigot Stephen Kuhrt
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If I'm a Christian I Must Be… Hardly a Real Bloke Michael Parker
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If I'm a Christian I Must Be… An Irrelevant Throwback Stephen Kuhrt
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If I'm a Christian I Must Be… a Gullible Dreamer Simon Hancock
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Motto Verse for 2009
Motto Verse for 2009 Stephen Kuhrt
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Things that make for a Great Church
A People not a place Patrick Gardner
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A People who love God Carolyn Lucas
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A People who care for the vulnerable Stephen Kuhrt
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A People who act like a family Stephen Kuhrt
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A People who use their gifts to serve Helen Hancock
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A People who welcome Jesus as King Tom Collins
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A People who believe Jesus died for them Katie Kuhrt
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A People who put others first Carolyn Lucas
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Easter Services 2009
What it means to believe in the Resurrection Stephen Kuhrt
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Looking Over The Year Stephen Kuhrt
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Finding God in the Story of Joseph
Joseph, his dreams and his brothers Katy Loffman
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Joseph and Potiphar’s wife Carolyn Lucas
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Joseph, the cupbearer and the baker Stephen Kuhrt
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Joseph and the Pharaoh’s dreams Stephen Kuhrt
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Joseph and his brothers are reconciled Stephen Kuhrt
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Finishing off Joseph's Story Pete Everett
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Christian Aid Sunday
Christian Aid Sunday Helen Hancock
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Oxygen Sunday
Oxygen Sunday Richard James
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School Celebration Sunday
School Celebration Sunday Stephen Kuhrt
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All About Baptism
What is Baptism? Stephen Kuhrt
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Why do we baptise babies? Stephen Kuhrt
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How should Baptism affect the rest of our lives? Carolyn Lucas
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How should Baptism affect the sort of Church we are? Helen Hancock
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Holiday Club Service
United Holiday Club Celebration Helen Hancock
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Stories for the Summer
Elijah and the Widow of Zarephath Simon Hancock
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Elijah and the Prophets of Baal Pete Everett
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Elijah Gets Burnout Helen Hancock
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Elijah and Naboth’s Vineyard Stephen Kuhrt
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I Believe In... (Unpacking the Apostles' Creed)
I Believe In... God the Creator of Heaven and Earth Carolyn Lucas
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I Believe In... The Virgin Birth Simon Hancock
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I Believe In... Jesus Christ God's Son and Our Lord Stephen Kuhrt
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I Believe In... The Death of Jesus Pete Everett
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I Believe In... The Resurrection of Jesus Stephen Kuhrt
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I Believe In... The Ascension of Jesus Helen Hancock
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I Believe In... The Second Coming of Jesus Stephen Kuhrt
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I Believe In... The Holy Spirit Stephen Kuhrt
I Believe In... The Church Helen Hancock
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I Believe In... The Forgiveness of Sins Katy Loffman
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I Believe In... The Resurrection of the Body and Life Eternal Pete Everett
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Harvest Sunday
Harvest Celebration Patrick Gardner
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Discovering the 'X Factor' this Xmas
The Earthiness of Christmas Carolyn Lucas
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The Personalities of Christmas Stephen Kuhrt
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The Politics of Christmas Stephen Kuhrt
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Christmas Services 2009
Children's Carol Service Helen Hancock
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Christmas Day 2009 Stephen Kuhrt
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The all year round truth of Christmas Pete Everett
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