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The Call to Suffer in Revelation Nathan Larkin
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Followers of Jesus who suffered: Paul Becky Mills & Andrew Mills
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The Call to Suffer in 1 Peter Claire Jaggers
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Followers of Jesus who suffered: Peter Pete Everett
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The Call to Suffer in 2 Corinthians Carolyn Lucas
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The Call to Suffer in 2 Corinthians Carolyn Lucas
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Followers of Jesus who suffered: Stephen Andy Black
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The Call to Suffer in the Acts of the Apostles Stephen Kuhrt
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The Call to Suffer in the Acts of the Apostles Stephen Kuhrt
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Followers of Jesus who suffered: Mary Ruth Henson
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The call to suffer in Mark's Gospel Carolyn Lucas
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The call to suffer in Mark's Gospel Carolyn Lucas
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Followers of Jesus who suffered: James and John Stephen Kuhrt
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United Service after Christmas Katy Loffman
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Midnight Communion Carolyn Lucas
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Carols by Candlelight Katy Loffman
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The Day of the Lord Carolyn Lucas
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Children's Carol Service Stephen Kuhrt & Susannah Sloman
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John's Imprisonment and Death Becky Mills
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Judgement and Restoration Tom Collins
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The Birth of John the Baptist Stephen Kuhrt
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John's Question to Jesus Stephen Kuhrt
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Sinful priests and a faithless people Anita Ferrero
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The Birth of Jesus is Announced Carolyn Lucas
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John's Baptism of Jesus Nathan Larkin
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God's love and the people's lack of it Stephen Kuhrt
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The birth of John the Baptist is announced Carolyn Lucas
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John's Preaching Claire Jaggers
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Vocation and Discipleship Sunday Louise Ellis
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Vocation and Discipleship Sunday Louise Ellis
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