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John's Witness to Jesus Ruth Henson
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Remembrance Sunday Tim Davis
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Remembrance Sunday Stephen Kuhrt
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John announces the need for repentance Katy Loffman
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All God's People Sunday Becky Mills
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All God's People Sunday Stephen Kuhrt
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Developing a Christian attitude to disappointment in our lives Katy Loffman
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Developing a Christian attitude to growing older Carolyn Lucas
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Developing a Christian attitude to Halloween Stephen Kuhrt
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Developing a Christian attitude to Islamic extremism Stephen Kuhrt
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Developing a Christian attitude to those from different cultures Becky Mills
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Developing a Christian attitude to a difficult person in my life Tim Davis
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Developing a Christian attitude to the refugees in Calais Nathan Larkin
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Developing a Christian attitude to those around us Ruth Henson
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Developing a Christian attitude to my child's education Stephen Kuhrt
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Developing a Christian attitude to mental health Carolyn Lucas
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Developing a Christian attitude to food Stephen Kuhrt
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Called to serve God in South America Roger Pearse
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Learning from the church in Papua New Guinea Tom Collins
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Learning from the church in Papua New Guinea Tom Collins
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Learning from the Church in Peru Carolyn Lucas
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Learning from the Church in Peru Carolyn Lucas
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Called to serve God in Bangladesh Josh Evans
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Learning from the Church in India Kiran Paul
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Learning from the Church in India Kiran Paul
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Called to serve God in Athens Mercy Teete
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Learning from the Church in Africa Luke Wickings
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Learning from the Church in Africa Luke Wickings
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Using my Gifts from God Nathan Larkin
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Why I Am A Christian Andrew Field
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